Me on DishyMix

The lovely and talented Susan Bratton interviewed me at Ad Tech NY for her unique podcast, DishyMix.  The episode is here. One of the things I love about DishyMix is that it gives you insight into the PEOPLE who are big in the digital business - not just from the standpoint of the secrets to their success or what business books they read, but from the perspective of what they do in their spare time, where they come from and what they're like personally.  To me, that's wonderfully consistent with the spirit prevalant when the digital business first came into being - when we cared about everybody else trying to make a living doing digital and what they were like as people.

Anyway, Suz and I split a bottle of Three Philosophers and talked about all sorts of stuff, including ATVs and campers, what Underscore is up to, and I even told the story of how the Old Timers List got started.

Suz, if you're reading this, thanks for having me on the show.