Goodbye, Sex in the City

Tell me that post title isn't going to be the most popular of the day...
Anyway, it's not as if I'm a typical he-man Sex in the City hater. I remember watching the first couple episodes because I thought the girl who used to be on Melrose Place was kind of cute. I thought it was a reasonably good show, but I can't help but equate Sex in the City to the opening band to the Sopranos' headlining act. Not that I consider myself a big fan, either. (I can't seem to remember which one is Miranda and which one is Samantha.) But anyway, to continue the concert analogy, the Sopranos can't take the stage until Sex in the City wraps up its act and leaves the stage. Even if you sorta like Cheap Trick, you might try to boo them off the stage anyway so that Aerosmith can take the stage sooner. That's kinda how I feel about Sex in the City. Great stuff, but thank God it's over because I need my Sopranos fix.