Taking Down The Pool

Here's a vid Jimmy took of me flattening the pool in the back yard with a Bobcat

It took us most of the afternoon to squish the pool up into a little ball of aluminum, vinyl and dead leaves, then drag it out of the yard and chuck it in the dumpster.  We got rid of the old swingset in the yard, too.

I got the machine stuck, eventually.  I actually had to go on YouTube to check out a video on how to get a Bobcat unstuck in order to get it going again.  (Secret, plunge the bucket straight down and use the hydraulics to assist in backing out of the hole you're stuck in.)

We also tore up the yard a bit.  I need to spread out around 20 yards of topsoil in order to be in a place where I can even think about spreading grass seed.  That's a project for next weekend.

Catching Up

There's a lot of stuff to post here, but a lot of it is at home.  I have some great videos of driving a Bobcat through the old pool this weekend, but they're on my Flip camera back home.  There are also some before and after shots of the back yard. In the meantime, here's a photo Danny took while we were hanging around at the house on Saturday.  In the batch of Weebles we bought Kate, we found one that did, in fact, fall down.  Naturally, all his Weeble friends gathered around to witness this strangeness.  Enjoy.


Dirt, Boxes and Empty Houses

So we hit a major milestone this weekend.  The old house is completely empty, clean and ready for new people to move in. The deal was that if I emptied everything and brought it to the new house, Lauren would clean the old house.  Probably 95% of the move was done by May, but there were some things lingering in the old house that took us a while to get to, like our office, which we didn't really pack in its entirety before the movers got there.  There was also a lot of stuff in the basement and in the attic.

So a lot of the weekend was spent moving boxes, which made it not very distinguishable from other weekends in recent memory.  Just getting everything to the right place, much less getting it unpacked, is a nightmare.

Then there was the dirt thing.  See, it's been raining pretty much non-stop in New York for the past several weeks.  That's led to water intrusion in the basement.  I've been doing a lot of stuff to get the gutters to channel water off the roof and away from the foundation, like cleaning all the goop and trash out of the gutters and buying pieces of elephant trunk to extend the downspouts.  But there's another thing we need to do - pitch the grade away from the foundation so that water siting on the lawn won't pool up against the house.

So I ordered some topsoil on Saturday.  Ten yards for $120 delivered - not a bad price.  It was just the "delivery" that was the problem.  You see, the topsoil was somewhat moist, so when the delivery guy showed up with his truck, he raised his dump bed about as high as it would go without tipping the truck over, but the dirt just stuck and refused to slide down onto the driveway.  The delivery guy actually had to take the dirt back and bring a different, wider truck that wouldn't tip over in order to make the delivery.

Then Jimmy and I started taking it out back to where it was needed.  We'd fill up a wheelbarrow and the John Deere's dump cart and take it back into the yard, dump it and rake it out.  Jimmy and I would switch after two loads, so that I'd be using the wheelbarrow while he used the tractor and cart.  It was a pretty good system and we moved at least five yards that way.  There's still five yards sitting in the driveway on a tarp, though.  We'll do a few loads when I get home from work.

I think I'm going to end up ordering more dirt, though.  There are plenty of uneven areas around the lawn and I still haven't put any fill or soil under the porch where there's a whole other bit that needs to be filled in.  Water is pooling under there, too, because no one ever took the time to do a final grade before the builders put the porch on the house.  So the grade under the porch is slanting back toward the house.

Soon, Jimmy and I will start pouring the slab for the air conditioning units and the hot tub.

What Was Your Favorite Toy?

Weird stream of consciousness at about 7:30 this morning.  I was thinking about how much cooler toys used to seem back when I was in the target market.  Big Wheels, Star Wars action figures, slot cars, Stretch Armstrong, etc. - All these things would get me really excited when I was a kid. So then I started thinking about whether kids today would get excited about toys I had during the 1970s.  And I was thinking I'd do a little experiment: Get Kate a vintage 1970s toy and see if she spends as much time with it as she spends with her other stuff.

So then I was thinking Weebles, because they'd be too big for Kate to swallow and they don't have any moving parts.  I remember digging Weebles when I was, like, three.

So I logged on to eBay.  And there are a few vintage Weeble auctions going on.  I can't seem to win one to save my life.  I bid up a set of five or six of the little bastards to over $20, only to find out someone else wanted them more.  No way I'm paying more than $20 for a set of plastic eggs left over from 1973.

But I still want some vintage Weebles.  So I'm opportunistically bidding.

Tell me, what was the first toy you remember having?